I need help with pricing my database



Hi everyone.
If possible I would like some guidence on pricing my database because I have
no idea how to go about it? All I need to know is are there any specific
guidelines I should follow? For instance: Do I make a one-off charge for the
time it’s
taken me to do it or do I charge, in relation, to the time, money and effort
it’s going to save the user. There’s also the question of support contracts,
copyrights etc. Can anybody suggest a website where I can get all this type
of information?



Not really sure how to answer. I work for a few companies on a retainer (I
get paid the same whatever needs doing) which means that once the DB is
created I have the maintainence contract for XX years - it works best for me
and the companies as we both know the cash flow for DB's for the next xx

You could try looking at this post - Programmeing Cost Question.


It's as good as anywhere to start.

Good luck

Aaron Kempf

of course, the future of MS Access databases are that they're obsolete and
gonig away

try saying the same thing about SQL Server lol

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