I need help - desparately!!!



I am working on a database and need help.

We have 100+ paint products that each come in different colors and pack sizes.
Ex. Product A comes in red, blue, green, yellow and in 1 gallon, 3 gallon
and 5 gallon kits.
Therefore, we have 1000+ SKUs
Ex. AAA011/5 - (AAA means it is Product A, 011 means it is red, and /5 means
it comes in a 5 gallon kit)
I have an excel spreadsheet that lists each SKU, Product Name and color. I
have managed to create formulas in excel that break apart the SKU so I can
create a column for pack size. I imported this list into Access and created a
Crosstab Query. My ultimate goal is to end up with a spreadsheet that lists
the banner name once, then lists each product color, then has a check mark
for which pack size it is manufactured in. This document will serve as a
resource for sales so they know which products, colors and sizes are

Is there a way to seperate out each product, list only the color and the
first part of the sku (AAA011)? Then I woule like to show only the columns
with pack sizes that exist. Currently, there are way too many different pack
sizes (1 gallon, 2 Gallon, pint, liter, 55 gallon, so on and so forth) and it
would be ideal to keep the lists easy to read.

I have an example spreadsheet and database, but I cannot upload it. In it,
you will see that product A only comes in 1,3,5 gallons, while product C
comes in other pack sizes. It is useless to have columns for pack sizes that
aren't offered.

If you think you can help, send me an email and I will send you the files...

(e-mail address removed)


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