I need a custom format of this number 70226 to show it 02/26/07.



From my database I receive dates in this format #0\/00\/00 so the formula
bar looks like this 70226 and the cell looks like this 7/02/26. I need a
custom format of this number 70226 to show it 02/26/07. Can I do this?

JE McGimpsey

there's no custom formatting that will change 70226 into 02/26/07. You
could use a cell in an adjacent column. For instance, if the value is in
A1, then one way:

B1: =DATE(2000+LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-4), --MID(A1,LEN(A1)-3,2),

You can then format B1 to mm/dd/yy

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