I know this is obvious but ..


Bony Pony

I'm just not seeing it this morning!

I have 3 columns:
Col P16 to P500 contains Project Names
Col Q16 to Q500 contains Pricing Mechanism descriptions
Col X16 to X500 contains Dates

In Col AA16 - AA 500 I want to do the following:
AA16 = Last Date for Project Name in P16:p500 where Q16:Q500 <> "Fixed Price"

I can do it with a sumproduct array but it (obviously) sums the dates where
the project names and pricing mechs are the same.

Many thanks for your help!


Try this array* formula in AA16:

=MAX(IF((P$16:p$500=P16)*(Q$16:Q$500<>"Fixed Price"),X$16:X$500))

*An array formula needs to be committed using the key combination of
Ctrl-Shift-Enter (CSE) rather than the usual <Enter>. If you do this
correctly then Excel will wrap curly braces { } around the formula
when viewed in the formula bar - do not type these yourself. If you
need to edit the formula you will need to use CSE again.

Hope this helps.


Bony Pony


from another post by Gary's student.



An alternative .. try something like this, normal ENTER, copied down:
=LOOKUP(2,1/(P$2:p$10=P2)*(Q$2:Q$10<>"Fixed Price"),X$2:X$10)
Adapt the ranges to suit

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