Hyperlinking to a Glossary



I have several rows of cells containing sentences, like 'the dog ra
after the cat). On another sheet, I have a glossary of terms wit
Column A giving the term, and column B the meaning (eg (Col A) Dog (Co
B) Four legged animal that dislikes cats).

I want to identify in each of the cells within the rows, that contai
the sentences, which words (if any) are in the glossary, and the
hyperlink them to one another (the individual words, not the whol
cells), or at the least, underline the words so the reader knows thei
meaning is explained in the glossary.

I think this is a VBA problem but not sure.

Thanks for your help in advance


suppose in sheet 1 in B2 the entry is
the dog ran after the cat
in sheet2 a1 is
B1 is
<the four leggedanimal which ran after the cat>
highlight sheet1 B2 and click data(menu)-text to columns
in step 1 of wizard choose
and click next
in step2 of the wizard
tick only <space> and no other ticks
and click
the words of your sentence will be distributed from B2 to G2 in sheet1
now in sheet 1and cell B3 type

(in this reference $A1:$B$1 may have the whole gloassary database)
copy B3 to c3 to G3
except against dog (i.e. only C3) all others will be #N/A
that means only dog has a meaning in gloosary and no other words in that
does it give an idea how to solve your problem or is this the problem?


Thanks for the reply. It works fine, except for one problem. Some of the
terms in the glossary have more than one word, eg:

Sheet 2 A1: <Dog hunting strategy>
Sheet 2 B1: <The Dog tends to hunt in packs, but has a less advanced
stealth capabilities than the Cat>

Sheet 1 A1: <The application of the Dog hunting strategy to the Cat is
usually unsuccessfull>

The only thing I can think of is to list every combination of words
possible. In reality there are a maximum of 3 words in a glossary term.



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