Huge backup files after Vista Crash and restore



Vista has crashed on me several times in the last few days. Every time I
restore the operating system it creates a huge backup file on my C: drive.
My hard disk is filling up fast but when I try to delete these files I get a
message saying I don't have the correct permissions. Since I'm the only one
who uses this computer and have all the privliges what do I need to do?

Rick Rogers


You need to open either explorer or the command prompt with elevation. Click
start, type explorer (or cmd) into the search line. Right click the menu
entry and choose 'run as administrator'. Click continue, then delete the
unwanted backups.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -
My thoughts


Thanks for your advice but I didn't understand all that. I can get a command
prompt but what is "with elevation"? I can go in under explorer and right
click the menu entry but I don't see an option to "run as administrator". I
thought I was the administrator. Any other suggestions would be helpful.
Thanks again

Rick Rogers

Hi Stan,

Elevated privileges are necessary even for an administrator when you want to
manipulate system files. In normal runtime, no user account has unfettered
access to system folders. You need to "self-elevate" and intentionally
invoke the necessary level of privilege to do those operations. When you
type 'explorer', the entry that you need to use is 'windows explorer'.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -
My thoughts

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