

I guess ---window.opener=self;--- before self.close should solve the
problem you are explaining. I may not be understanding your problem
properly, but I use this in my applications and it is working.

My application is like this. User will launch IE window from Windows
menu items or quick launch or from any IE shortcut he has. Then he
types URL like this or selects an IE
favorite he already has. Then login page will be displayed, on
successful login, my application launches a new browser window in Full
screen, and closes the login page window.

Try putting window.opener=self;--- before self.close();.

Brian K. Williams


Thanks for the info... I stand corrected. :~)
We attempted to do this about three years ago, with 15 developers on it. We
all came to the conclusion that it was a Security issue with MS. Maybe this
was fixed with the newer versions of IE, anyway thanks for the info.


Eric Lawrence [MSFT]

Hehe... I cannot believe this actually works. But it does. ;-)

<button onclick="window.opener=self; self.close();">Close</button>


Eric Lawrence
Program Manager
Assistance and Worldwide Services

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Alvin Bruney [MVP]

i get my to close without message box with just a raw window.close(). in the
response object. go figure

Dan Brussee

You may use a simple window.close() on a window that your code opened.
However, the page that "starts" the application cannot be closed this
way. The code already quoted does this, but it is a hack, and "may" be
"fixed" at some point. Rely on it, but at your own risk :)

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