how to view email w/o downloading attachment?



Because large attachments over 1MB freezes Outlook, is there a way I can view just the email message w/o downloading the attachment?


Are you using POP3, IMAP or Exchange server? Which version of Outlook? See Help, About if you aren't sure.

----- sycamore wrote: -----

Because large attachments over 1MB freezes Outlook, is there a way I can view just the email message w/o downloading the attachment?


thank you! we're using exchange server. office xp on some computers, office 2000 on others. i checked under help. nothing there unfortunately. if i get an email with large file, i would like to be able to click on the email message and not have my outlook freeze up until the attachment downloads. is there any way to do this?


-----Original Message-----
Because large attachments over 1MB freezes Outlook, is
there a way I can view just the email message w/o
downloading the attachment?
We have the same problem at work... Try saving the
attachment first and them open from the program..
excel .. word.. helps sometimes.

Also.. if you drag the message to your calender you can
view the email without it recognizing that you have read
it. As long as you close without saving changes.. the
sender doesn't get an response advising that you have
read the message.


thanks for that. but in our instance, just clicking on the new message immediately freezes outlook if there's quite a large file attached. it won't let me open the attachment, save it, or drag it until the attachment has downloaded, which in doing so, freezes my outlook.

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