How to setup a rule to move certain incoming email to some folder oncertain date?




I am using Outlook 2003 and am wondering how to do the following

Every Monday I receive a bunch of emails from a hobby group I join,
since it takes too much time to reply them, I want to reply them
throughout the rest of the week, namely from Tuesday. So I create a
folder to store these emails and on Monday I move these emails to the
folder once I receive them.

The problem is once I see the email, it is hard for me not to reply,
it is so tempting.

Can I somehow setup a rule so that it checks emails on Monday, if it
sees the incoming email is from that hobby group, it automatically
moves the emails to that folder.

Note that I only want it to work on Monday.

Any suggestion is appreciated!

Roady [MVP]

No, but you can create a rule and turn it on on Monday's only or set a date
span and modify that once a week.

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