how to run the Performance analyzer from VBA




I am running some VBA code which creates tables, imports data and so on.

When I run the performance analyzer it comes with some very good
suggestions (create an index on this, add a relation to that)

Basicly I find all the suggestions okay.

Is it possible to run the this wizard from VBA and have him do the
creating index and relations ?

With regards,

Constantijn Enders

Van T. Dinh

You can (at least) start the Performance Analyzer using VBA:

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdAnalyzePerformance


I figured that one out. It only shows the user a dialog but it doesn't
complete it. I also tried send keys but that also didn't work

Any more suggestions ?


Van T. Dinh

That's what I hinted in my last post. Access WILL wait for your on-screen

Van T. Dinh

A important question is why you want to run the Analyser again and again?

Table Structure in a well-designed database should be permanent, not
changing and if it is permanent, you don't need to use the Analyser.
Basically if I use the Analyser (and very rarely at that), I only use it in
the Table Structure design stage.

For import into the same data structure, instead of importing it to a new
Table, Create the permanent Table Structure, then use Append Query to add
Records to this permanent Table Structure.

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)

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