How to restrict logins



Our school is using active directory and we have groups such as
students and staff. I have produced some asp applications which I only
want staff to access. I have produced a login page which checks their
login username and password held in active directory. The problem is I
do not know how to limit access to say the teachers group. Currently
any user who enters a valid username and password is let in.

Dim strADsPath

strADsPath = "LDAP://"

strUserName = "JOHNPORT\" & Request.Form("strUserName")
strPassword = Request.Form("strPassword")

If (not strADsPath= "") then 'if and ADS Object path has been provided
proceed with authentication

Dim oADsObject
Set oADsObject = GetObject(strADsPath)
Dim strADsNamespace
Dim oADsNamespace
strADsNamespace = left(strADsPath, instr(strADsPath, ":"))
set oADsNamespace = GetObject(strADsNamespace)
Set oADsObject = oADsNamespace.OpenDSObject(strADsPath,
strUserName,strPassword, 0)

If not (Err.number = 0) then
msg = "<font color=darkred>Login Failed</font>"
Sesson("active") = 0
Session("user") = ""
Session("active") = 1
Session("user") = Request.Form("strUserName")
Response.Redirect "index.asp"
End If

End If

Herb Martin

Our school is using active directory and we have groups such as
students and staff. I have produced some asp applications which I only
want staff to access. I have produced a login page which checks their
login username and password held in active directory. The problem is I
do not know how to limit access to say the teachers group. Currently
any user who enters a valid username and password is let in.

Usually you assign permissions for those groups to the files the web server
much use to perform the actions.

No permissions means no access to THAT stuff. (remove the everyone
read etc from those files.)

BTW, you say you are "checking" the username and password; generally it
is preferable for INTERNAL applications/web_services to use Integrated
Authentication if all your users have IE. Then no explicit password is
sent, but rather the users credentials from logon to the domain are used.

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