Newbie Question - Visual Basic .NET Express 2005 & syntax



I am trying to get some code that will go into Active Directory and extract
the legacyExchangeDN attribute for every user in a domain. I know nothing
about VB, so I would like help with fixing the error below. My only
programming experience prior to this would be Assembly Language for the 6502
(Apple ][E) when I was 12-16yrs old. Never done basic before.

This code works fine when run as VBscript (using cscript), but won't compile
with VB.

The error I get in the Error List window is as follows:
'Array' is a type and cannot be used as an expression

Here is the code. It is a command-line project in VBXpress 2005, and this
is the code in Module1.vb (the only module):

Dim outFile, domain, fs, f
outFile = "castellan_users.txt"
domain = "LDAP://dc=castellan,dc=net"

' Open text file for writing
Const ForWriting = 2

fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
f = fs.OpenTextFile(outfile, ForWriting, True)

DisplayObjects(domain, "")


' DisplayObjects takes the ADsPath of the object to display
' child objects for and the number of spaces (indention) to
' use when printing the first parameter
End Sub

Function DisplayObjects( strADsPath, strSpace)
Dim objobject, objChildObject
objObject = GetObject(strADsPath)
If InStr(strAdsPath, "LDAP://OU") <> 0 Then ListUsers(strADsPath)
If InStr(strAdsPath, "LDAP://CN") <> 0 Then ListUsers(strADsPath)
objObject.Filter = Array("container", "organizationalUnit")
For Each objChildObject In objObject
DisplayObjects(objChildObject.ADsPath, strSpace & " ")

End Function

Sub ListUsers(ByVal strDomain)
Dim objComputer, objUser, f
objComputer = GetObject(strDomain)
objComputer.Filter = Array("User")
For Each objUser In objComputer
End Sub


Try replacing the Array function with manually creating an array variable and
adding the necessary values in that.

Dim x(2) As String
x(0) = "container"
x(1) = "organizationalUnit"