how to print a row on the bottom of every page



Is there an easy way to print a row or rows at the bottom of every page on a

For example i have a worksheet with about 100 rows of info i have to total
at the bottom. Well 100 rows won't fit on just one page, but i would like
the total to be at the bottom of page 1 and 2. so what I would like to do is
have the totals on the last row and then have it print on all the pages.

any ideas?

David McRitchie

It is not provided for in Excel. I kind of think a total would be
confusing if were the same on each page, or do you mean a page subtotal.

In any case it is not provided for in Excel and would not be easy to incorporate.
It would probably interfere with the normal operation of the worksheet, unless
you created a copy of the sheet strictly for reporting purposes.

Including a running balance like in your checkbook is not a problem,
but doubt that it fits in with your needs.

Is this for yourself or something like an insurance policy report.

The easiest way would be to put something into the top rows
in the repeat area that assigns the value from the total cell.

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