How to output a list to a line?


Kevin Brault

Hello everyone,

I am not sure is this is the correct place to post this ....

In Windows XP I have a need to take the output of "dir /b *" and place it on one line with quotes around each file name and a space between them.

So ....

file 1.ext
file 2.ext
file 3.ext

Would end up as:

"file 1.ext" "file 2.ext" "file 3.ext"

I was thinking of a "for" loop and the "set" command but am over my head.

Would anyone be able to get me started?

Thank you in advance for your help.


Pegasus \(MVP\)

Hello everyone,

I am not sure is this is the correct place to post this ....

In Windows XP I have a need to take the output of "dir /b *" and place it on
one line with quotes around each file name and a space between them.

So ....

file 1.ext
file 2.ext
file 3.ext

Would end up as:

"file 1.ext" "file 2.ext" "file 3.ext"

I was thinking of a "for" loop and the "set" command but am over my head.

Would anyone be able to get me started?

Thank you in advance for your help.



Try this:
@echo off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set Line=
for %%a in (*.*) do set Line="%%a" !Line!
echo %Line%

Matthias Tacke

Kevin said:
Hello everyone,

I am not sure is this is the correct place to post this ....

In Windows XP I have a need to take the output of "dir /b *" and place
it on one line with quotes around each file name and a space between them.
@echo off
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('dir /B *') do set /P _= "%%~A" <NUL

Al Dunbar

Pegasus (MVP) said:
Hello everyone,

I am not sure is this is the correct place to post this ....

In Windows XP I have a need to take the output of "dir /b *" and place it
on one line with quotes around each file name and a space between them.

So ....

file 1.ext
file 2.ext
file 3.ext

Would end up as:

"file 1.ext" "file 2.ext" "file 3.ext"

I was thinking of a "for" loop and the "set" command but am over my head.

Would anyone be able to get me started?

Thank you in advance for your help.



Try this:
@echo off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set Line=
for %%a in (*.*) do set Line="%%a" !Line!
echo %Line%

or this:

@echo off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set Line=
for %%a in (*.*) do (set Line=!Line! "%%a")
(set line=%line:~1%)

this puts the files in the same order they are emitted by the FOR statement,
and ensures that no additional blank characters are present in the output.


Tom Lavedas

Hello everyone,

I am not sure is this is the correct place to post this ....

In Windows XP I have a need to take the output of "dir /b *" and place iton one line with quotes around each file name and a space between them.

So ....

    file 1.ext
    file 2.ext
    file 3.ext

Would end up as:

    "file 1.ext" "file 2.ext" "file 3.ext"

I was thinking of a "for" loop and the "set" command but am over my head.

Would anyone be able to get me started?

Thank you in advance for your help.


I think you want something like this ...

set "line="
for %%a in (*.ext) do (call set line=%%line%%"%%a" )
echo %line%

It finds all of the files that match the extension, encloses them in
double quotes and places them all on one line of test. To output this
to a file, redirect the ECHO line into the desired file name ...

echo %line%>outfilename.txt

To use a more focused search for the files, modify the wildcard
filespec in the FOR. For example, to find files with a name, say FILE
having one addition character, use ...

for %%a in (file?.ext) do ...

BTW, for long lists, this approach may breakdown. I think there is
still a 1024 character limit on the lengths of command lines in batch


Tom Lavedas

Kevin Brault

Thanks Pegasus, Al,

SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set Line=
for %%a in (*.*) do (set Line=!Line! "%%a")

Was exactly what I wanted.
This group is great!


Pegasus (MVP) said:
Hello everyone,

I am not sure is this is the correct place to post this ....

In Windows XP I have a need to take the output of "dir /b *" and place it
on one line with quotes around each file name and a space between them.

So ....

file 1.ext
file 2.ext
file 3.ext

Would end up as:

"file 1.ext" "file 2.ext" "file 3.ext"

I was thinking of a "for" loop and the "set" command but am over my head.

Would anyone be able to get me started?

Thank you in advance for your help.



Try this:
@echo off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set Line=
for %%a in (*.*) do set Line="%%a" !Line!
echo %Line%

or this:

@echo off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set Line=
for %%a in (*.*) do (set Line=!Line! "%%a")
(set line=%line:~1%)

this puts the files in the same order they are emitted by the FOR statement,
and ensures that no additional blank characters are present in the output.


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