How to make subforms

  • Thread starter Thread starter lowe493
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Hey i need some serious help now what i need to build is a parts database i
have got some idea how to do this but im stoped with how to create a subform
i have looked at the sample database northwind and i have decided i like how
that works when a new invoice is made you can select the product from a drop
down bar and then all the fields are filled with that info about the product
i want to be able to do this with my database i need to show the id number
the parts name the price of the part and the quantity of the part in stock
and how many have been bought but the problem i face is i can make a single
celled one but i want one that will show me the certain parts i need on the
invoice thanks

Lowe493 :)
You have to do your tables first. Seems like you need a parts table, a table
for invoices, and a table for invoice-parts.
Set a one-to-many relationship between your invoice table and invoice-parts
table with Referential Integerity and Cascade Update.

Create a query to feed form from invoice-parts table. Insert that form as a
suborm in the invoice form setting the Master/Child links. Use a combo box
on the subform to pick parts from the parts table.
Hey i need some serious help now what i need to build is a parts database i
have got some idea how to do this but im stoped with how to create a subform
i have looked at the sample database northwind and i have decided i like how
that works when a new invoice is made you can select the product from a drop
down bar and then all the fields are filled with that info about the product
i want to be able to do this with my database i need to show the id number
the parts name the price of the part and the quantity of the part in stock
and how many have been bought but the problem i face is i can make a single
celled one but i want one that will show me the certain parts i need on the
invoice thanks

Lowe493 :)

There are punctuation keys on your keyboard, and punctuation does make it
easier to read....

Take a look at Crystal's video and the other tutorials here:

Jeff Conrad's resources page:

The Access Web resources page:

Roger Carlson's tutorials, samples and tips:

A free tutorial written by Crystal:

A video how-to series by Crystal:

MVP Allen Browne's tutorials:
Sayang, It`s not advisable to ask too much of duit for runsing nanti.
I`ll do the logs. and it is good.

All the best. You are here:]. ~~~```.ciku..I nak ciku. ok...
till 2017\2012. see how...hmm....
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my Kentucky.