How to make a CD from an .ISO?



I tried nLite, which produces reduced versions of Win2K/XP. It worked fine,
and the result was a single file named WinLITE.ISO. I vaguely understand
that an .ISO is a CD image, but I do not know how to get Nero to burn it to
a Win2K CD from which I can boot and install Windows.

All help gratefully appreciated. :)



I tried nLite, which produces reduced versions of Win2K/XP. It worked fine,
and the result was a single file named WinLITE.ISO. I vaguely understand
that an .ISO is a CD image, but I do not know how to get Nero to burn it to
a Win2K CD from which I can boot and install Windows.

All help gratefully appreciated. :)


Open Nero cancel out new compiliation box if it pops up......Up top drop
down "Recorder" click "Burn Image"......Navigate to where the ISO is....

Slarty Bartfast

Nero has the ability to use ISO type files. ISO is similar to the GHO type
files used by Ghost.

Open Nero > select new CD > it has these types;

Audio - Data - Other CD Formats

Select 'Other CD Formats' > Create a CD from an image file > Browse to the
location of the file, CDBOOT.ISO > BURN.

The ISO file is automatically expanded onto the CD and is bootable - without
selecting 'Boot CD' in Nero.



Slarty Bartfast

Have you ever noticed? Anybody going slower than you is an idiot, and anyone
going faster than you is a maniac. - George Carlin

Rob Stow

Slarty said:
Nero has the ability to use ISO type files. ISO is similar to the GHO type
files used by Ghost.

And Nero is far from being the only app that can do this. Odds
are overwhelming that whatever software shipped with your CD
burner or DVD burner can do this.

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