How to list users



I have a form that allows you to change a user password if you are part of the administrators group.

On the form it requires you to enter a user name in the field I want to make this a drop down box with a list of users that are part of the workgroup and for the life of me can't figure it out.

Any help would greatly be appreciated.

Jon Lewis

Search Help for "RowSourceType Property (User-Defined Function)". This will
show you how to create a function to programmatically fill a combobox
rowsource. Alternatively you can just use a rowsourcetype of Value List and
construct a string for the rowsource in the open event of your form.

You can iterate through your workgroup users as follows:

Dim MyWorkSpace As Workspace, MyUser As User
Set MyWorkSpace = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
For Each MyUser In MyWorkSpace.Users
Debug.Print MyUser.Name
Next MyUser
Set MyWorkSpace = Nothing

This will include the default Admin, Engine, Creator names so you need to
add additional logic to skip those


I have a form that allows you to change a user password if you are part of
the administrators group.

On the form it requires you to enter a user name in the field I want to make
this a drop down box with a list of users that are part of the workgroup and
for the life of me can't figure it out.

Any help would greatly be appreciated.

Jon Lewis

Meant to add:
If you just want the administrators in the list

Dim MyWorkSpace As Workspace, MyUser As User, GrpU As Group
Set MyWorkSpace = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
Set GrpU = MyWorkSpace.Groups("Admins")
For Each MyUser In GrpU.Users
Debug.Print MyUser.Name
Next MyUser
Set GrpU = Nothing
Set MyWorkSpace = Nothing

I have a form that allows you to change a user password if you are part of
the administrators group.

On the form it requires you to enter a user name in the field I want to make
this a drop down box with a list of users that are part of the workgroup and
for the life of me can't figure it out.

Any help would greatly be appreciated.

Pieter Wijnen

You can build a rowsource like this as well

Function GetWsUsers() As String
Dim thQ As String
thQ = "SELECT Name From MSysAccounts A" & VBA.VbCrlf & _
"IN '" & SyScmd(acSysCmdWorkGroupFile) & "'" & VBA.vbCrlf & _


End Function

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