How to know a pattern's texture features

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Hi all,

In my worksheet, some parts of cells are required to be shaded by one
pattern, since before I received the workbook, there were some persons to do
settings of the cell format, so even though the patterns look same, but there
are still subtle difference especially the texture backgroud.what I am going
to do is choose the correct texture from a cell and apply to the rest. To my
suprise, when I select the cell which has the correct texture, there is
nothing shown in the pattern's dropdown list so I could not get the clue from
the display as I did with Font, but I am sure there is a pattern because I
can see the backgroud texture.
Could you tell me how can I get the pattern's backgroup texture? I have also
tried range("cell").pattern, but there is no such property.

Thank you

There are numbers associated with each pattern. Select a single cell and run:

Sub clara_pattern()
MsgBox (ActiveCell.Interior.Pattern)
End Sub
<<...when I select the cell which has the correct texture, there is nothing
shown in the pattern's dropdown list so I could not get the clue from the
display as I did with Font, but I am sure there is a pattern because I can
see the background texture.>>

While you have the Format Cells dialog box displayed, select the Patterns
tab. Click on the drop-down arrow at the right end of the Pattern combo
box. This will drop down a palette. One of the patterns should appear to be
"pressed in". That will be the pattern selected for that cell. Is it on

Maybe the previous user applied a background to the entire worksheet (using
the Format|Sheet|Background command), then applied white color to the
backgrounds of individual cells (using the Format|Cell command). Is it
possible to go ask the previous user what they did?
Hi Bill,

after I select the cell and open the format dialogue, on the pattern tab
color: no color
patter dropdown have nothing

after I click the down arrow beside the dropdownlist , on the new popup
there is Automatic and no "pressed in" appear.
By the way, could you tell me what is the Automatic ? I guess it the
automatic who is making trick behind scence.

thank you so much for your help
Hi Bill,

I use "?activecell.interior.pattern" and "?acivecell.interior.colorindex" in
the immediate window to test two different pattern cells, but the anawsers
are same: 2 and 17

thank you so much for your help
Hi there,

I use "?activecell.interior.pattern" and "?acivecell.interior.colorindex" in
the immediate window to test two different pattern cells, but the anawsers
are same: 2 and 17. why?

<<By the way, could you tell me what is the Automatic?>>

It is a button in the palette (in Excel 2000). Maybe you are using a newer
version of Excel(?), so it is different for you.