How to keep cammand window open

  • Thread starter Thread starter BG250
  • Start date Start date


I need to run some command line progs such as ipconfig.exe (for an instant
check of my current IP address). I made a shortcut using ipconfig.exe, but
the window closes too fast to see the data. How can I keep the window open
after the command terminates? I tried making a .bat file with cmd.exe
followed by ipconfig.exe and only cmd.exe runs.
Thanks, bg

Put Pause at the end of your batch file and these will make it stay open
until you press a key.

Hi bg,

Right drag your command prompt off the Start menu, choose create shortcut.
Right mouse the shortcut, choose properties.
In the Target command line place C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe /k ipconfig /all
In the Start In Window place C:\
The standard size window should have enough room for the /all switch if you need

good computing,

I need to run some command line progs such as ipconfig.exe (for an instant
check of my current IP address). I made a shortcut using ipconfig.exe, but
the window closes too fast to see the data. How can I keep the window open
after the command terminates? I tried making a .bat file with cmd.exe
followed by ipconfig.exe and only cmd.exe runs.
Thanks, bg