How to insert HTML strings in



Hi, friends,

In ASP, we use
obj = CreateObject("com.dll")
obj.GetHTMLText(inVal, outHTMLTxt1, outHTMLTxt2)
to get different HTML strings based on input values.

Then, we insert them into proper location of HTML something like the
<% = outHTMLTxt1 %>

In, how do we do this? I looked into Page_Load() event, and I could
get different HTML strings, but I did not know how to insert them into proper
location of HTML.

Any sample source code or reference papers? Help please.

Thanks a lot


you can either use a control, which is what I recommend, or you can still do
inline coding with the <% %> is still usable.


But, I do not have object, such as com.dll, any more. I created different
HTML strings in Page_load(). How can I instert it in HTML? Any sample code?


For exmple, in Page_Load()

newHTMLStr = "<tr><td>....";

If I use Reponse.Write(newHTMLStr), all those <tr><td> element will be on
the top of web page. But, I want to inert those <tr><td> elements into
<table></table>. This <table></table> element was already created when I
designed the web page by draging and droping it in a web form.

My question is: How to insert this new created newHTMLStr into pre-existing
<table></table> element so that we have cells in the previouly empty
<table></table> element.

Jeremy S.

Check out the Literal control

Basically you would declare a Literal control in your HTML table - where you
want the inserted HTML to go. Then, in your code behind, you'd set the .Text
property of the Literal control to your HTML string. It's that simple.

If you want your HTML to be styled, then you'd have to use inline CSS or set
the css class property directly in the HTML string you are inserting.


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