how to have the full text of a cell shown



I have Exel 2003.
In a cell with a long text, only half of it is shown. This happens even if I
increase the hight of the cell. The full text is there but only few lines are
shown. ? What can I do to have the whole text written down
Thank you



Right-click > FormatCells > AlignmentTab > check WrapText, then either
increase the height of the cell to fit, or widen the column, or both.
Depending on your circumstances, the use of a TextBox may be more appropriate
than putting a bunch of text in a single cell.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


Regardless of how you format your display this is the cell limitations,
lifted directly out of Excel Help:

Character limit of 32,767 characters per cell .
Display limit of 1,024 characters per cell;
All 32,767 display in the formula bar.

Dave Peterson

Try adding alt-enters every 80-100 characters. This will force new lines within
the cell and you'll see many more than the documented 1k or so.

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