How to get different base systems so letters will show up like hex system tia sal2



Greetings all
I now to I can convert between different base systems using the code
Function baseconv(InputNum, BaseNum)
Dim quotient, remainder As Single
Dim answer As String

quotient = InputNum ' Set quotient to number to convert.
remainder = InputNum ' Set remainder to number to convert.
answer = ""

Do While quotient <> 0 ' Loop while quotient is not zero.

' Store the remainder of the quotient divided by base number in a
' variable called remainder.

remainder = quotient Mod BaseNum

' Reset quotient variable to the integer value of the quotient
' divided by base number.

quotient = Int(quotient / BaseNum)

' Reset answer to contain remainder and the previous answer.
answer = remainder & answer
' Convert answer variable to a number.
baseconv = Val(answer)
End Function

but how can I get letters to show up in bases like 25 or 40?
Like in the Hex system.


Leo Heuser

Greetings all
I now to I can convert between different base systems using the code
Function baseconv(InputNum, BaseNum)
Dim quotient, remainder As Single
Dim answer As String

quotient = InputNum ' Set quotient to number to convert.
remainder = InputNum ' Set remainder to number to convert.
answer = ""

Do While quotient <> 0 ' Loop while quotient is not zero.

' Store the remainder of the quotient divided by base number in a
' variable called remainder.

remainder = quotient Mod BaseNum

' Reset quotient variable to the integer value of the quotient
' divided by base number.

quotient = Int(quotient / BaseNum)

' Reset answer to contain remainder and the previous answer.
answer = remainder & answer
' Convert answer variable to a number.
baseconv = Val(answer)
End Function

but how can I get letters to show up in bases like 25 or 40?
Like in the Hex system.


Here's one way:

Function Conv(Figure As String, _
FromBase As Long, _
ToBase As Long, _
Optional NumberOfDigits As Long) As String
'Leo Heuser, October 1999, September 2006
'Examples: =conv(1234,6,16,6) or =conv("45ff",16,2,32)
'If NumberOfDigits is set to 0, left out or set to fewer digits
'than are in the result, the result will be displayed without
'leading zeroes.
'The setup will convert a number from base 2-16
'to another base 2-16, but the string Digits can be
'expanded to Z, and thereby covering base 2 through 36
'If the line "Figure = UCase(Figure)" is deleted, it's possible
'to place lower case letters in Digits to cover base 2-62.
'Please keep the above text, if you pass on this routine.

Dim Digits As String
Dim ToBaseTen As Currency
Dim Dummy As Variant
Dim Counter As Long
Dim Result As String
Conv = "Input error"
Digits = "0123456789ABCDEF"
If ToBase > Len(Digits) Then Exit Function
Figure = UCase(Figure)
For Counter = 1 To Len(Figure)
Dummy = Mid$(Figure, Counter, 1)
If InStr(Left$(Digits, FromBase), Dummy) = 0 Then
Exit Function
ToBaseTen = ToBaseTen + (InStr(Digits, Dummy) - 1) * _
(FromBase ^ (Len(Figure) - Counter))
End If
Next Counter
While ToBaseTen > 0
Result = Mid$(Digits, ToBaseTen - Int(ToBaseTen / ToBase) * _
ToBase + 1, 1) & Result
ToBaseTen = Int(ToBaseTen / ToBase)
If NumberOfDigits = 0 Or NumberOfDigits < Len(Result) Then
Conv = Result
Conv = Right$(String$(NumberOfDigits - Len(Result), "0") & _
Result, NumberOfDigits)
End If
End Function

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