VBA question: How to extract cell values in different languages




I was hoping if someone could help me with a language problem I'm facing.
The code below is suppose to extract strings from a worksheet and create
string table files that will be fed into a resrouce file. I am using Excel
2007 currently.

The style of the worksheet:
First column has the string IDs
First row contains the name of the file to create (excluding column 1, which
is skipped)
Each column (file) has a different language (english, french, german,
italian, portuguese, spanish, and japanese)

The style of the output file:
Has header "STRINGTABLE" and "BEGIN"
Each row of text has a string ID and string value
Has footer "END"

I'm not an experienced VB programmer, so I am basically depending on Excel
to be smart enough to understand what I want. It "sort of" works, but it's
very annoying that I have to keep switching languages to get the correct

The problem:
If I set my OS language settings to English, the non-Japanese languages are
extracted properly, but Japanese gets corrupted. If I set my OS language to
Japanese, languages like French loses all accents on characters.

What I'm aiming for:
To get what is exactly (visually) displayed by the excel spreadsheet to be
outputted to a file regardless of the OS language setting. I don't
necessarily care about what format it's in (except not in Unicode) as long as
it's consistent. Granted the work around is to swtich the OS language
settings, but I might have to add more languages later on and the work around
itself makes me cringe.

- Japanese is using Shift-JIS
- Other languages are using ANSI (extended latin) or UTF-8

I was hoping there is a way to change the language setting of the
application (on-the-fly) to something that is compatible with the language of
the strings (column) I am currently extracting.

I searched the forum, but couldn't find a similar issue posted. Sorry if
this issue has already been addressed.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

The code:
Sub Export()

Dim TblName As String
Dim CurDir As String
Dim Text As String
Dim SID As String
Dim WriteBuf As String
Dim cCount As Integer
Dim rCount As Integer
Dim rowMax As Integer

'get directory base for tbl files
CurDir = GetCurDir

'get maximum number of rows
Dim wkst As Worksheet
Set wkst = Worksheets("StringTables")
rowMax = wkst.UsedRange.Rows.Count

'get first tbl column and initialize row and column count
TblName = CurDir + wkst.Cells(1, 2).Text
rCount = 2
cCount = 2

'keep looping as long as a tbl name exists
Do While TblName <> CurDir
Open TblName For Output As #1
'print string table headers
Print #1, "BEGIN"

'get first string ID number and string value
SID = wkst.Cells(rCount, 1)
Text = wkst.Cells(rCount, cCount)
Do While rCount <= rowMax

'skip this row if ID or value is missing
If SID <> "" And Text <> "" Then
'Chr(9) = tab Chr(34) = double quote
WriteBuf = Chr(9) + SID + Chr(9) + Chr(34) + Text + Chr(34)
Print #1, WriteBuf
End If

'increment row count
rCount = rCount + 1
'get next pair of string ID and value
SID = wkst.Cells(rCount, 1)
Text = wkst.Cells(rCount, cCount)

'print table footer
Print #1, "END"
Close #1

'reset row count
rCount = 2
'increment column count (new language)
cCount = cCount + 1
'setup for new tbl file
TblName = CurDir + wkst.Cells(1, cCount).Text

End Sub


You are writting text data which has 256 different characters. Each Byte is
8 bits (refered to as Ascii) of data (2 raised to the 8th). There is no font
with text data. Depending on your language setting the text displays wiuth
the font as specified by the language setting.

If you import the text into Word which has multiple fonts you can change the
font to any language you want without changing the language setting.

There is no problem with your excel program. The easiest thing to do is to
open the text file and copy the data. then paste the data into a word
document ans select the proper Font for the language. Then save the word
document. Word will preserve the correct font which a text file cannot do.


I'm sorry, I may have confused you when I mentioned "visually".
I don't care about font.

I just need the correct text data to appear in the output.

When I check the binary data on the Japanese file, I see that it basically
forced the unicode data into single byte characters.

I'm used to C++ where I can just treat the text data binary files and run
the data through functions to convert to UTF-8 and other encodings.

When I walk through the VBA code, it looks like the data is corrupted as
soon as the data is accessed through the Cells function.


You haven't confused me. I completely understand the problem. Your comment
about having binary data and not unicode data confirms my suspicions.

Let me explain what is happening. You are have 256 binary characters.
Depending on the language settings the characters are displayed differrently,
the data doesn't change. How the charactes are displayed i'm calling a font.

If you use Notepad which only displays binary data (ascii) and not the
Unicode data on the same file with two diffferent language setting gives you
different result; then the data hasn't changed. Only the way the data is
diplayed has changed. This is a change of a Font.

Go to word a open the Insert - Symbol window. You will see most of the
character (look at bottom of window) are characters from 0000-00FF. These
are the ascii characters. When the value of a character is greater than FF
then these are the unicodes.

You will see that when you change Fonts the you will see the same numerical
values for differrent characters. This is what happens when you change your
laqnguage setting. You don't change the data, the way the data displays


Hi Joel,

I understand that the same text data will appear differently between a
simple application like Notepad and something more flexible, like Microsoft

But the actual text data is being modified for some reason.

For example, if I look at my text data, I see my intended result is supposed
to have 'a' with an accent (0xE0), but the code will spit out 'a' (0x61)
instead. It's like excel is toying with me. It's smart enough to somehow
know that 0xE0 is 0x61 with an accent on it and decides to "down-grade" it to
0x61. The application is obviously smart enough to know what type of
language is entered, but it seems like all that data is lost when the VBA
code starts running.

To me, it looks like there has to be some kind of global language value that
must be set to the correct language before running the code. But for some
reason, all the language related information appears to be read-only. I'm
not sure what the point of these fuctions are if they are only "get" methods
and no other method (like a "set" method) seems to use them as parameters.

I greatly appreciate the time you're taking with me Joel.


There are two ways you may correct the problem.

1) Open the file in binary Mode

Open TblName For Output As #1

Open TblName For Binary Access Write As #1

2) The problem could be with the Print #1 statement. Not sure. I know if
you used Write #1 this functtion puts double quotes around the data. You may
want to try the Scripting Object to write the data. Here is an example

Sub WriteFixed()

Const MyPath = "C:\temp\"
Const WriteFileName = "text.txt"

Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 3

Const TristateUseDefault = -2, TristateTrue = -1, TristateFalse = 0

Set fswrite = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'open files
WritePathName = MyPath + WriteFileName
fswrite.CreateTextFile WritePathName
Set fwrite = fswrite.GetFile(WritePathName)
Set tswrite = fwrite.OpenAsTextStream(ForWriting, TristateUseDefault)

LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

For RowCount = 1 To LastRow
LastCol = Cells(RowCount, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
OutputLine = ""
For ColCount = 1 To LastCol
Data = Cells(RowCount, ColCount).Text
If Len(Data) < 12 Then
Data = Data & WorksheetFunction.Rept(" ", 12 - Len(Data))
End If
OutputLine = OutputLine & Data
Next ColCount
tswrite.writeline OutputLine
Next RowCount


End Sub


I was really hoping to not have to work in binary mode, but I guess that's
the only way then.

Unfortunately, I believe I'm still screwed if my OS is set to Japanese.
The Range object I recieve from the Cells method on the sheet seems to
process the data before it gives it to me (modifies the data to fit ANSI with
no extended characters).
Is there a way to get "raw" data from cells on a worksheet?


I haven't used binary mode in a while, but it shouldn't change your code. It
just stops strange translation behaviors. You have a number of way s to read
cell data

1) a = Range("A1")
2) a = Range("A1").text
3) a = Range("A1").value


I can't seem to find any way to access the data in its "raw" (assuming
Unicode) format.
I basically tried every facet to access the cell data, but they are all
All the Japanese text data is filled with 0x3F.

I guess VBA just isn't designed for my specific needs.
It is quite disappointing, but I guess the control I want is too cryptic for


I have had similar problems with Unicodes. Unicodes do not translatte to
text data. Usually special charactter (not with microsoft productts) are
either character 64 - 127 ascii or you use an an escapre sequence statarting
with a 1B.

I really hate microsoft and there products. the programmers really don't
understand programming. there was lots of reasearch done by companies like
IBM, Bell Labs, HP, and Honeywell in the 50's an d 60's. And then Microsoft
re-invented the wheel and did things WRONG. They invented a square wheel.


Heh heh, yeah.
Sometime they'll patch things up with an update, which changes the wheel
from a square, to an octagon at best ^^;

I think I'll leave this project as is. It's not as versatile as I hoped,
but any further attempts will just result in me coding my own version of
methods that are pre-supplied by VBA. It seems to defeat the whole purpose
of using VBA.
I'll try to see if I can just develop a separate program to handle the
spreadsheet saved in XML format.

Thank you for your help Joel

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