How to download all images.....


Eliyahu Goldin


Are you talking about url on your site or on any site? On your site you will
probably want to zip all images into one file. You will need a zipping
program for that and the security rights for ASP.NET to run exes. Once you
get the file, you can stream it down to the client. Other sites won't let
you do this.



I am talking of other sites.
I have seen screen scaping programs that the reason I asked.

Scott Allen

Hi Nish:

If you can browse the directory, you can screen scrape the directory
list to get the list of images.

I.e. ask the server for the contents of Find
all of the hyperlinks in the content that is returned and then request
each image individually.

The problem you may run into is that many web servers will not permit
you to browse directories. In this case you'll need to know the file
names of the images in advance or get them from another source.


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