How to correct a mis-spelled word not in Dictionary?



Please assist me in correcting a mis-spelled word which is not found in
Dictionary, directly from the spell-check pop-up box. I appreciate anyone of
you who can offer me your help. Thank you.


If I'm reading you correctly,

Just correct the spelling where it's shown to be incorrect in the top
section (probably headed "Not in Dictionary"),
click Add to dictionary
or click Change
or click Change all.



Thank you for replying.Truly appreciate it.Anyway, you understood what I'm

However,I have already tried your suggestion even before I started browsing
through this website but that didn't work.Posting my query here was my last
resort.For eg. I edited ic to IC in the field named "Not in Dictionary" and
clicked Change or Add to Dictionary but that just didn't work.I even have a
book by Stephen Copestake for OFFICE 2000 and it also doesn't state anything
that might solve this problem.I find this very minor yet it is very important
especially when we are talking about thousands of rows for correction.


Could you give some other examples.
I tried to see what happens at my end with "IC" and I'm afraid the same
problem occurred. In fact, when I added "IC" to the dictionary, I looked in
the custom dictionary, and discovered it actually saved it as "ic" (without
the quotes in all cases). However, when I changed the default proofing
language to French (Canadian) and tried again, it worked OK, but I don't
know why. In fact, I now cannot remove "IC" from wherever it has been saved
to which would seem to be the French (Canadian) dictionary, which I don't
know how to edit.

I'm sorry but I can't help you.
Maybe someone else needs to chime in here.



Ok.It gets even crazier after I tried a few new words with the spell-check.I
tried on "Tamilchevan" and amended under "Not in Dictionary" to
"tamilchevan". But because "(No suggestion)" was suggested after clicking
"Change", "(No suggestion)" was reflected in the cell instead.You see,the
dictionary is refusing our input here which is not good.And for the "ic"
case,it's understood that the dictionary also doesn't accept changes to
cases(upper to lower or vice versa).

I shall wait for others out there to help me out in this but nvrtheless, I
really appreciate your time RobN.Thank you.



First up I don't know about this subject as I never use spell checker
I prefer to do it myself (Yes I know I'm a bore <g>)

I do know from previous posts that all office programs share the
same spellchecker, and that it works a lot better to make dictionary
changes in Word rather than the other apps. Word seems to be
main man.

In a couple of simple trials here, I got the results you seem to be looking
for. It involved a bit of adjusting of the settings under
Tools>Options>Spelling and Grammar in Word.

It seems to be fairly intuitive, so I think if you go in there and play
a bit, you shoul;d find some joy.


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