How to choose a theme i want with SP2?



When i installed SP2, i purchased a new "style xp" version that supports SP
2. but i can't change themes. I apply the theme that i want, but when i
restart my computer i see that Classic theme is applied. I created my own
theme in My Documents, but it did't help. What to do? With SP1 everything was
fine, but with SP2 i have this problem.

Touch Base

Themes (Won't Load or only Windows Classic is listed)

Go to Start/Administrative Tools/Services/Themes. Set to Automatic. Also
check your settings here:

Start/Administrative Tools/Services/Terminal Services/Log On. At the bottom
ensure that Hardware Profile Original Configuration is Enabled.

If the above doesn't apply/nor help: Only windows Classic is listed under

1. Right click on the desktop and choose Properties.
2. On the Theme tab, choose the Windows XP.
3. If this option is missing, you may choose Browse... to
4. The Luna.theme is the theme of the Windows XP.

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