How to add six or seven pictures to one slide?



I am preparing a presention and need one of the slides to display seven
photos on the one slide. Any ideas on how to do this?

Bill Foley

"Insert", "Picture", "From slide", size and move around as needed. if they
are going to be on top of each other have them each set to do some sort of
Entrance animation in the order you want.


Click Insert > Pictures > From File.
Hold down left click and drag to highlight the files you want to insert.
Click OK.
Alternately, you can hold down ctrl key on your keyboard, then left click on
the pictures you want to insert. Click OK.

Do you want to show everything at once or one at a time? To show everything
at once, you just need to insert the pictures on the slide.
To show one at a time, you will need to use custom animation to do so. This
depends on what version of PowerPoint you are using. Feel free to post back
if you need more help on it.
Site Updated: October 30, 2005
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate
Contains tutorials on creating amazing animations for your PowerPoint


Add your pictures to the slide
give each one a custom animation.
After you've inserted your pics
Go to View Task Pane>>>Custom animation
Click on your pics to assign an animation
Give each of your pics an animation.
You have the choice to animate them on click or following previous, or your
That way you have some latitute.
Hope this helps!!!


Thanks, Bill. That is it! André

Bill Foley said:
"Insert", "Picture", "From slide", size and move around as needed. if they
are going to be on top of each other have them each set to do some sort of
Entrance animation in the order you want.

Bill Foley
Microsoft PowerPoint MVP
Microsoft Office Specialist Master Instructor


Thanks, John. Between the three answers I received, I will be able to
develop a great slide. André

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