How to access archieve mail, when not connected to exchange server



Hello All!

I have got outlook installed on my machine. When I try to configure the same
it is asking for Exchange server details. Right now my need is to just view
my archieved mails from my previous client. I have with me the archieved
mails (__.pst file). But right now I am not connected to that original server
from which I had archieved my mail.

Can I access the archieve now? Please advice.

Thanks a lot for the support (In anticipation)


If your archive.pst is on your hd, within OL File>Open>Data File

If its on removable media, copy to HD, remove any read only attribute, then
open as above


Hi DL,

Thanks for the response. I have my archieve.pst file in my HD. But my
question is about configuring my outlook (where I do not have connection any
exchange server). When I try to configure outlook, the wizard asks me to
enter exchange server details (which is not available).

Kindly suggest. Thanks!

Brian Tillman

MEYPS said:
Thanks for the response. I have my archieve.pst file in my HD. But my
question is about configuring my outlook (where I do not have
connection any exchange server). When I try to configure outlook, the
wizard asks me to enter exchange server details (which is not

Use the Mail applet in Control Panel to configure a mail profile that
doesn't use an Exchange account.

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