How many users/clients can connect to a VPN in Windows XP pro ?


Skybuck Flying

Since I only have two computers I tried to test it by having the other
computer login and then trying the same thing from the host computer like a
loopback but then one of the two cant login ?

Does this mean only 1 user is allowed to connect at the same time to a VPN
in windows xp pro ?


Shenan Stanley

Skybuck said:
Since I only have two computers I tried to test it by having the other
computer login and then trying the same thing from the host computer
like a loopback but then one of the two cant login ?

Does this mean only 1 user is allowed to connect at the same time to
a VPN in windows xp pro ?

Windows XP Professional is not a server-level OS.

Skybuck Flying

I can find no information about how many users can login into a windows xp
pro computer that is functioning as a "vpn server".

Except for vague statements like: "site to site network" or "login remotely
to your work" etc.

I did find one website that mentioned that the maximum number of inbound
connections is 10.

So it could be that the loopback connection was malfunctioning and that it
is possible to have multiple users login at the same time... or maybe not...


Sooner Al [MVP]

This section from the Resource Kit defines this...

"You can configure an incoming connection to accept the following connection types: dial-up (modem,
ISDN, X.25), VPN (PPTP, L2TP), or direct cable connection.... On a Windows XP Professional-based
computer, an incoming connection can accept up to three incoming calls, up to one of each of these


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