How many use wireless keyboards here?



Any advice on what wireless keyboard to buy?

Should one avoid BlueTooth or is that OK?

And...... dumb question here.... but are there ant
wireless keyboards that have a mouse built into the
keyboard itself rather than a separate wireless mouse?

John Doe

Any advice on what wireless keyboard to buy?
Should one avoid BlueTooth or is that OK?
And...... dumb question here.... but are there ant
wireless keyboards that have a mouse built into the
keyboard itself rather than a separate wireless mouse?

There is at least one cordless straight keyboard which has a touchpad

I do not know about Bluetooth, but my old Logitech desktop Pro
split/ergonomic cordless keyboard has worked great for years.

All my stuff is cordless except the microphone.


been using Logitech Dual cordless optical combo
about 4 years now, rechargeable batteries
some keys have recently started showing wear and the pop up window for
'reconnection notification' has been more frequent as of late.
All in All I've gotten my moneys worth already. I gamed with it and if I
change to fresh batteries before I started, I never had it die in the middle
of any game.

David Maynard

Any advice on what wireless keyboard to buy?

Should one avoid BlueTooth or is that OK?

And...... dumb question here.... but are there ant
wireless keyboards that have a mouse built into the
keyboard itself rather than a separate wireless mouse?

I have an RF wireless one with the 'button' mouse built into the upper
right corner and the click buttons on the left upper corner but I wouldn't
recommend it to my worst enemy.

Ed Medlin

Any advice on what wireless keyboard to buy?

Should one avoid BlueTooth or is that OK?

And...... dumb question here.... but are there ant
wireless keyboards that have a mouse built into the
keyboard itself rather than a separate wireless mouse?

I don't like BlueTooth. I have a Logitech Duo that has been working great
for several years. Got it before optical was mainstream. It gives me great
battery life and even the ball mouse has outlived many others. I have used
it through my last 3-4 systems without problems.



Whatever you get, get a rechargheable mouse. Those optical ones seem
to go thru batteries when you don't have an extra.


i have a logitech cordless comfort duo that i like quite a bit but i wish
they would bundle their ergonomic keyboard with their rechargeable mouse
instead of the standard battery one, it goes through batteries in about a
month or two, batteries in the keyboard last a long time though.

John Doe

wooducoodu said:
i have a logitech cordless comfort duo that i like quite a bit
but i wish they would bundle their ergonomic keyboard with their
rechargeable mouse instead of the standard battery one, it goes
through batteries in about a month or two,

I use two AAA nickel metal hydride NiMH batteries in the mouse
(Cordless Desktop Pro). One charge lasts for about one month. The
Duracell one hour NiMH charger is good. The first Energizer 30
minute NiMH charger was a lemon.
batteries in the keyboard last a long time though.

Been so long I have forgotten. Maybe one year. A good application
for alkaline batteries IMO.


Any advice on what wireless keyboard to buy?

Should one avoid BlueTooth or is that OK?

And...... dumb question here.... but are there ant
wireless keyboards that have a mouse built into the
keyboard itself rather than a separate wireless mouse?

I'v been using a Logitech (RF) cordless tesktop (keyboard and optical
mouse) for over 5 years. Never a problem. I'm a pretty heavy user (but
don't do games). Mouse batteries need replaced about every 2 months. I
use recharghable NIMH double AA's. Keyboard batteries need replaced so
seldom I can't rememember when I did it last; easily over a year ago.

They have alkaline AAs in there now.

I don's miss the wires on my desk. And during Windows reloads, they are
recognized natively as standard PS2/keyboard devices...


Any advice on what wireless keyboard to buy?

I like logitech. If the one with the recharger built into the receiver
had been released a month earlier I would have bought that one, but
seeing as I'm using a KVM with mine it's probably for the best that I
use a quick charger (the one I bought for my camera: Maha MH-C401FS,
which I absolutely love) and NiMH batteries. The set I own is the
Logitech Cordless Freedom Optical (mouse and keyboard).
Should one avoid BlueTooth or is that OK?

I've no experience or research to comment here.
And...... dumb question here.... but are there ant
wireless keyboards that have a mouse built into the
keyboard itself rather than a separate wireless mouse?

Hmmm...I'm certain you could find one, but it may not be brand name. My
wireless keyboard has a scroll wheel but that's it in terms of
mouse-like features.



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Ed Medlin

why don't you like BlueTooth?
Just the connectivity issues I have had with it. Especially transferring
files between my phone and computer. It seems to work when it feels like



i have a logitech cordless comfort duo that i like quite a bit but i wish
they would bundle their ergonomic keyboard with their rechargeable mouse
instead of the standard battery one, it goes through batteries in about a
month or two, batteries in the keyboard last a long time though.


Logitech MX1000 Laser Cordless USB Mouse (Lithium-ion battery)
Logitech Cordless Elite USB Keyboard

Very pleased with both

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