How does PowerPoint manges the shapes inside one slide?



Currently I met a problem for Office Development. The problem is below:
we are developing Office add-ins, one feature is trying to insert some
images into a PowerPoint "slide", at the first beginning in a typical first
slide, there is a "Title" and "SubTitle" text box, then we insert 2 pictures
which got from another Excel process, we use "ClipBoard" and
Slide.Shapes.PasteSpecial(), and the 2 pictures are named "Picture 2" &
"Picture 3", at this time we insert another picture into current slide, and
this time we found the names of the shape inside current slide are: "Title
1", "SubTitle 1", "Picture 2", "Picture 3", "Picture 2", so there are 2
shapes with the same name "Picture 2", so I'm wondering how does powerpoint
manage the shapes in the slide? In my opinion, the shape name should be used
as a key to distinguish each other. Is this behavior expected? Because
sometimes I found the new inserted picture will be named "Picture X", which
is different from the name that already in the slide. I'm a little confused.

Barb Reinhardt

I don't believe I've seen this, but you can try this bit of code in PowerPoint

Dim mySlide as PowerPOint.Slide
Dim myShape as PowerPoint.Shape

for each mySlide in ActivePresentation.Slides
for each myShape in mySlide.shapes
Debug.print myslide.slideindex,,,
next myshape
next myslide

This will list out the slide #, the shape name and the distance from the
left and top.


Oh, this indeed happened. I have some information that "never reply on the" to distinguish it. Where can I find some documentation on these
API?The one in MSDN is too simple to have a better understanding/use of
Office API.

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