How do i remove symantec live update?



I want to remove this program but cannot find the uninstall and its not
listed in the list? I tried to remove the directorys manually but it wouldn't
let me? Is this anti virus software? What is it? I already have live one
care. I have reason to believe this software is preventing me from running
chkdsk and defrag. Any help much appreciated.
check this page for the low down


If you just want to stop Live update run the script below each time you boot
your PC
Cut and past to notepad and save the file as 'Stop LiveUpdate Service.vbs'
Place a shortcut on your desktop

' Begin script
' Stop LiveUpdate Service.vbs
' Example VBScript to Stop Services
' Author Guy Thomas
' Version 1.3 - March 20th 2005
' Modified for stop LiveUpdate service by JS
' -----------------------------------------------------------------'
Option Explicit
Dim objShell, intShortSleep, intLongSleep
Dim strService
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

' Values set

strService = " "" Automatic LiveUpdate Scheduler"" "
intShortSleep = 1500
intLongSleep = 5500

' Cmd prompt opened
objShell.Run "cmd"
Wscript.Sleep intShortSleep

' Service stopped with 'Net' command
objShell.SendKeys "net stop" & " ""Automatic LiveUpdate Scheduler"" "
Wscript.Sleep intShortSleep
objShell.SendKeys "{Enter}"
Wscript.Sleep intLongSleep

' Cmd prompt exited
objShell.SendKeys "Exit"
Wscript.Sleep intShortSleep
objShell.SendKeys "{Enter}"

Wscript.Echo strService & " service stopped "

' End of Example VBScript



cheers guys it was listed as live update and not symantec. Duh! Hopefully
this will solve my problem. Will let you know. Dave


JS said:
If you just want to stop Live update run the script below each time you
boot your PC
Cut and past to notepad and save the file as 'Stop LiveUpdate Service.vbs'
Place a shortcut on your desktop

' Begin script
' Stop LiveUpdate Service.vbs
' Example VBScript to Stop Services
' Author Guy Thomas
' Version 1.3 - March 20th 2005
' Modified for stop LiveUpdate service by JS
' -----------------------------------------------------------------'
Option Explicit
Dim objShell, intShortSleep, intLongSleep
Dim strService
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

' Values set

strService = " "" Automatic LiveUpdate Scheduler"" "
intShortSleep = 1500
intLongSleep = 5500

' Cmd prompt opened
objShell.Run "cmd"
Wscript.Sleep intShortSleep

' Service stopped with 'Net' command
objShell.SendKeys "net stop" & " ""Automatic LiveUpdate Scheduler"" "
Wscript.Sleep intShortSleep
objShell.SendKeys "{Enter}"
Wscript.Sleep intLongSleep

' Cmd prompt exited
objShell.SendKeys "Exit"
Wscript.Sleep intShortSleep
objShell.SendKeys "{Enter}"

Wscript.Echo strService & " service stopped "

' End of Example VBScript

Thanks for sharing that script with us; I just tried it but Norton AV script
blocking issued a warning and I allowed it. Too bad there is no way to
disable the service from starting automatically at bootup, short of
uninstalling LU completely. I tried disabling the service previously to no

Brian A.

Allan said:
Thanks for sharing that script with us; I just tried it but Norton AV script
blocking issued a warning and I allowed it. Too bad there is no way to disable the
service from starting automatically at bootup, short of uninstalling LU completely.
I tried disabling the service previously to no avail.

Which Symantec app/version do you have installed? You should be able to disable
automatic live update in any version.
If you have issues with it try setting these in Services to Manual:

Automatic LiveUpdate Scheduler
LiveUpdate Notice Service
LiveUpdate Notice Service Ex


Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
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I just use the script to kill this particular service after I download the
updates each day. Once the service is stopped I no longer get those ugly
slow downs as Live Update (if not stopped) periodically keeps checking for
more updates throughout the day.


Brian A.

Automatic LiveUpdate runs at first connection to the web.
If updates are available it downloads/installs them.
It checks every 5 minutes as long as updates remain available to download/install.
If no updates are available it resets to the default check of every 4 hrs (240 mins).
The time frequency to check is user configurable (at least for 2007) via Control
Panel > Symantec LiveUpdate > Automatic LiveUpdate tab > Update Frequency.
I have set mine to check every 12 hrs (720 mins).

Take note that after changing the update frequency it does not go into effect until
either the next live update runs or the Automatic LiveUpdate services is stopped and


Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
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Wish that was the case with my PC, but even if all updates have been
downloaded it still goes out and checks for updates at random times (240 is
my default also) during the day.



Brian A. said:
Which Symantec app/version do you have installed? You should be able to
disable automatic live update in any version.
If you have issues with it try setting these in Services to Manual:

Automatic LiveUpdate Scheduler
LiveUpdate Notice Service
LiveUpdate Notice Service Ex


Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
Conflicts start where information lacks.

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Thanks, I have Auto update checking disabled it in the Control Panel
LiveUpdate applet. I am running LiveUpdate 3.0 and NIS 2004 (with update
subscriptions expired two years ago.) I run it manually once a week. I will
try again in "Services"; I don't think I changed "LiveUpdate" last time I
tried, only "Automatic LiveUpdate Scheduler".

Brian A.

Allan said:
Thanks, I have Auto update checking disabled it in the Control Panel LiveUpdate
applet. I am running LiveUpdate 3.0 and NIS 2004 (with update subscriptions expired
two years ago.) I run it manually once a week. I will try again in "Services"; I
don't think I changed "LiveUpdate" last time I tried, only "Automatic LiveUpdate

ALU is responsible for Ndetect.exe at boot, which it schedules to check for a net
connection every 5 mins. If one is present it attempts to connect to Symantec's
LiveUpdate server to download/install available updates. If no updates aren't
available it sends a command to Ndetect.exe to not check for 4 hrs., however there is
an issue if any third party dial-up connection managers that can change the detection

For info see:
Modem dials every five minutes when Automatic LiveUpdate is enabled

For more on Ndetect and ALU see:

or if link wraps/breaks:

Did you originally attempt to disable ALU via start/run NIS > Options > NAV or NIS
LiveUpdate tab > uncheck "Turn automatic Live Update on" > Ok out?


Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
Conflicts start where information lacks.

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Brian A. said:
ALU is responsible for Ndetect.exe at boot, which it schedules to check
for a net connection every 5 mins. If one is present it attempts to
connect to Symantec's LiveUpdate server to download/install available
updates. If no updates aren't available it sends a command to Ndetect.exe
to not check for 4 hrs., however there is an issue if any third party
dial-up connection managers that can change the detection frequency.

For info see:
Modem dials every five minutes when Automatic LiveUpdate is enabled

For more on Ndetect and ALU see:

or if link wraps/breaks:

Did you originally attempt to disable ALU via start/run NIS > Options >


Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
Conflicts start where information lacks.

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In NIS 2004 there is no option when you run "LiveUpdate" to disable
Automatic Live Update; you must disable it in the "Options" section. It is
not checking for updates automatically but the Auto LiveUpdate Scheduler
service is running continuously anyway. I checked and I already had set Live
Update service to "manual"; whether you set Auto LiveUpdate Scheduler to
"manual" or "disable" it makes no difference; it resets to "automatic" upon
reboot after logon. I really am not worried about it unlike the OP who
apparently was annoyed by it.

Brian A.

Allan said:
In NIS 2004 there is no option when you run "LiveUpdate" to disable Automatic Live
Update; you must disable it in the "Options" section.

That's what I wrote:
Did you originally attempt to disable ALU via start/run NIS > Options > NAV or NIS
LiveUpdate tab > uncheck "Turn automatic Live Update on" > Ok out?

It is
not checking for updates automatically but the Auto LiveUpdate Scheduler service is
running continuously anyway. I checked and I already had set Live Update service to
"manual"; whether you set Auto LiveUpdate Scheduler to "manual" or "disable" it
makes no difference; it resets to "automatic" upon reboot after logon. I really am
not worried about it unlike the OP who apparently was annoyed by it.

I'm out of options and I haven't had NIS 2004 installed for 3 yrs.


Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
Conflicts start where information lacks.

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