how do I mirror or invert images and texts?



I am going to be using my powerpoint presentation on a projector that
is behind the screen. So I need to invert my entire presentation so
that I can read it in a mirror. Is there a way to do this? any
suggestions would be helpful.

Troy @ TLC Creative

I'm sorry, but I do not understand your request... "read it in a mirror"?

But, the ability to invert the projected image is a function of the
projector. In the setting menu there will be settings for 'front projection'
(right reading) and 'rear projection' (inverted). Hope that helps.

Best Regards,
Troy Chollar
TLC Creative Services, Inc.
troy at tlccreative dot com
A Microsoft PowerPoint MVP

Bill Dilworth

Almost all currently used projectors have this as a set-up option. If I
remember correctly, a very long time ago PowerPoint (95?) had projector
setup options, but it was removed since it was redundant. Now, just use the
projectors settings.

If the screen/projector are not temporarily rentals, they are probably
already configured this way.


Bill Dilworth
Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Users helping fellow users.
Please spend a few minutes checking vestprog2@
out This link will yahoo.
answer most of your questions, before com
you think to ask them.

Change org to com to defuse anti-spam,
ant-virus, anti-nuisance misdirection.


thank you for your input. I will not be able to see the projector
until the day of the presentation and I wanted to cover all of my bases
just in case there is a problem on that end.
thanks again.

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