How do I make ZIP File in command line, winxp, with zipfldr.dll



I'd satisfied functionality of zip-folder. (Right click, and
generating zip file)
But my job drives me to make a lot of zip files. Yesterday, I had to
clicked hundred times. :( If zip file can be create in command line, I
can save a lot of time to click right button.

So, I've been looking for way to create zip file in command line. but
I can't find any comment about that, yet. Any one help me? I'll
appreciate you if you inform some link.

thanks for your help.

Rob Schneider



if you use winzip (who doesn't!), go to their site, they have a
command-line add-in tool that'll let you use the winzip engine to make zip
files via command lines in BAT files. I use it all the time, works great.
Also, it offers features that the regular UI doesn't, like
inclusion/exclusion lists, zip by attribute/date, etc. [basically it's the
same command-line option set that PKZIP243 had back in the DOS days,
but it handles long-filenames just fine.]

Be sure you get the right version: winzip 8 and 9 have different
command-line add-ins. I think the one for 8 is still called BETA, but it
works just fine.

C.Joseph Drayton

Hi Frodo,

I registered WinZip v7 I think it was. I use EasyZip because it is faster and easier. I didn't even bother to load WinZip when I
got my computer in November.

Ciao . . .

++ Let know man judge me until . . .
he has walked the road I have . . .
in the shoes I've worn. ++

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