How do I increase teporary disk space in Access



I am using Access and have an error message "Not enough space on temporary
disk" but I cannot find any articiles telling me how to increase the tempoary
disk size. Can you help please? Many thanks.

Douglas J Steele

Temporary disk space comes from the operating system, not from Access.

Open a Command prompt (a "DOS Box"), type SET T at the prompt and look where
your TEMP and TMP environment variables are pointing. That's your temporary
disk space. Make sure it's pointing somewhere that has a fair bit of free



I had the same problem today and followed the instructions given by Doug,
and still got the error message.

Turns out, my access db (inherited) consists of several linked tables and
one of the joins in a query containing some of these tables went away when
the table was recreated.. running the query resulted in the same error
message. I re-created the query and joins and the temp disk space error
went away and the program ran... so, check the query causing the eror message
to be sure the joins are still intact...


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