how do I get a crosshairs cursor when there are "clickable" items.



I know there is some way to change the cursor from the "hand" emblem that
shows up when there is a "clickable" item to a crosshair. How in the heck is
this done? I've seen all kinds of conflicting codes and downloads for
Frontpage that have no effect. WHAT needs to be in the header, WHAT needs to
be in the body, WHAT needs to be in the root folder (the crosshairs cursor?)
and how is the code supposed to look? Also, how does one effect this change
(if it can happen) across ALL of the webpages? The site is not yet
published: but does THIS make a difference? I can set a crosshairs cursor on
my computer with the click of a couple buttons.... so I would think
Frontpage 2003 would have this option somewhere. Thanks

Steve Easton

You can do it with CSS, but IIRC it only works in IE.

<style type="text/CSS">
a {
cursor: crosshair;

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed..................
...............................with a computer


HEY- it worked! (Not that I doubted you, I mean). TOO COOL- THANKS!! But
there's one more thing about this. It works on the jpgs with hyperlinks and
the text of course, but the word art- in some places I have those with links.
Is there some code for those too? I've tried image, and a few other words
describing them in the code. Do I have to list them seperately using their
nubered identifiers or.. wait- is this even POSSIBLE? Or am I trying to
shoot the moon here?

Trevor L.

dArk said:
HEY- it worked! (Not that I doubted you, I mean). TOO COOL-
THANKS!! But there's one more thing about this. It works on the
jpgs with hyperlinks and the text of course, but the word art- in
some places I have those with links. Is there some code for those
too? I've tried image, and a few other words describing them in the
code. Do I have to list them seperately using their nubered
identifiers or.. wait- is this even POSSIBLE? Or am I trying to
shoot the moon here?

No expert here, but are youtryign to get a cursor woith cross-hair on tags
other than <a>, say <img>?

If so , try <img style = "cursor: crosshair;">



MVP FrontPage

Trevor L. said:
No expert here, but are youtryign to get a cursor woith cross-hair on tags
other than <a>, say <img>?

If so , try <img style = "cursor: crosshair;">


Hmm... no. That doesn't work. OR at least the way I tried it doesn't work.
Is it the ONLY line, or does it go between the preceeding code? Did this
work for you in FP 2003?

Trevor L.

dArk said:
Hmm... no. That doesn't work. OR at least the way I tried it
doesn't work. Is it the ONLY line, or does it go between the
preceeding code? Did this work for you in FP 2003?

I used this is FP2002
<img src="images/display/abc_banner_logo.gif" style="cursor:crosshair"
alt="" width="40" height="24"/>ABC News RSS</a>
When the cursor was over the image, it was a crosshair. When over the text
it wasn't - it was the default.

But, as Murray says UGH.
It works, BUT !


In any event it's the wrong way to do it.

<a href="whatever" style="cursor:crosshair"><img...>Text</a>

But ugh....

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