How do I get a column heading to show up at the top and not move .



How do I get a column heading to show up at the top and not move? I've seen
this before. The row did not move as i scrolled down the page and it printed
on each page as if it was a header. Please note that nothing was entered into
to header and footer window. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ron de Bruin

Hi Need help guy

You can use window -Freeze Panes in the menubar
Example : To freeze the first column and Row.
Select cell b2 and do window -Freeze Panes

If you want to print the first row on each page then
go to File>Page Setup, on the sheet tab you can fill in $1:$1


Worked great. I had forgoted about having to get one cell below before you
used the freeze pane. I was getting all kind of of blocked panes when I tried
it without chooseing a cell.

Many thanks from Need a job Guy..........

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