How do I export graphs to ppt and...




I would like to tell excel to export graphs I created in a
workbook, to a powerpoint presentation. One graph per
specific page in ppt. I would like that anytime I update
the excel document it automatically updates the graph in
the ppt presentation. Does anyone know how to do this?

Thank you very much.

Bernard Liengme

1) Click on chat in Excel; click Copy tool
2) Open PPT; use Edit|PasteSpecial; specify Linked (I am working from
3) Return to Excel make a change to the chart; open PPT - did the change
show up?


You Rock!!!! Thanks soooo very much.
-----Original Message-----
1) Click on chat in Excel; click Copy tool
2) Open PPT; use Edit|PasteSpecial; specify Linked (I am working from
3) Return to Excel make a change to the chart; open PPT - did the change
show up?
Bernard Liengme
remove CAPS in e-mail address


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