How do I enter time (12-hour clock) & have it display it?



I am creating a time card for overtime for staff and would like to make it as
simple as possible.

I select the format for the cell to display as AM or PM, but input is
required in 24-hour clock format. This is confusing for many people. I
cannot find a format in Excel 2003 that allows for input in 12-hour format.


format the cell, custom, h:mm AM/PM
note, they will have to put a space before the AM/PM

David Biddulph

3:30 PM will be accepted as an input.

You can then choose how you wish to format the output display.

David Biddulph

Remember that the cell format does not affect the accepted input format, but
merely the display of output.
Interpretations of input formats are governed by Windows Regional Options
(under Control Panel).
Things like 3:30 PM should be accepted by default.

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