How do I convert 8:30 to 8.5 hours?



I am trying to create a scheduler and need to find out the hours worked in a
given day. For example, I worked from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM with an hour break.
I would like to return a value of 8.5 hours minus 1 hour equals 7.5 hours.

Peo Sjoblom

Multiply by 24 and format as either general or number (don't format as time)
to subtract an hour you can just subtract one


if your lunch can differ you set it up like


where D1 is end, A1 start, B1 lunch out and C1 lunch in


Peo Sjoblom

(No private emails please)


The problem is I have at least 30 employees and it gets more complicated.
It's hard to explain, but I can send you the worksheet so I can explain it

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