How can I get rid of frames on my site?



My site,, makes limited use of frames (in Forum, Blog,
Chat and Pictures). I know it's not recommended and I would like to get rid
of them but keep the same behaviour of my site.

At the moment these pages contain an inline frame to display the content.
How can I achieve the same effect without frames, i.e. the content appears
within my site rather than as a separate new window?

I am using Dynamic Web Templates. The layout of the .dwt attached to these
pages is done using tables.

Many thanks for your help.



Most of what you can accomplish with frames can be done with include pages. For
example the top navigation bar would be its own page and be called as an include
page on the pages you want it to show.

Of course, it can scroll up out of sight (unlike the behavior of a frame which
stays put) but you can always scroll back to it.


Clark, thanks. Yes, include pages, I was beginning to realise that.

Still a bit stuck though (must be me). I have successfully replaced the
inline frame with an include page with some static content (a blank page with
a one cell table and just some text. Great!

But... how can I display the content (my blog, forum, chat or picture
gallery) on that blank page? With the inline frame I had simply set "initial
page" to the url of the blog/forum/etc. but I can't figure out how to do that
with a blank page. I'm feeling very stupid right now and would be grateful if
someone can point me in the right direction?


Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

the FrontPage include is done at "save time" so it's not really "dynamic"
but still a time saver.

You'll need to look into a server side solution to inject your contents into
the page in question or better still; just "skin" your other apps to look
like the rest of your site.


Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

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a fantastic convenience for site owners.

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