How can I combine multiple characters into a single character?



I want to create a new character which is a result of combining multiple
charaters together into a single character. I remember there was a way in
EXCEL that I can do that. However, I can no longer find that instruction from
EXCEL Help anymore.

Norman Jones

Hi Yukon,

Possibly, you are looking for the concatenate function:

myStr = Concatenate(str1,str2,str3....)
The & character can also be used to concatente strings, e.g.:

Sub Test()
Dim sStr As String

Range("A1") = "a": Range("A2") = "b": Range("A3") = "c"

sStr = Range("A1").Value & Range("A2").Value & Range("A3").Value

range("A4").value = sstr
MsgBox sStr

End Sub


Norman, Thank you for your suggestion. I am not familiar with VBA. However, I
will try your method. Regards.

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