Home to Pro upgraded, System Restor edont work.



I upgraded from XP home to Professional and now when I
hit system restore i get this..

The procedure entry point
RemoteAssistancePrepareSystemRestore could not be located
in the dynamic link library WINSTA.dll

Does anyone know how to get this to work again?



Hi Terry,

To fix this System Restore issue, follow these steps:

1. Double click My Computer, click the Tools menu -> Folder Options.

2. On the View tab, make sure to check the option "Hide extensions for known
file types".

3. Click OK.

4. Click Start -> Click Run. Type "%windir%\inf" (Without quotation marks)
in the Open field. Click OK.

5. Locate and select the file "sr.inf". Right-click it and then click

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Terry,

Once System Restore goes bad, the only thing you can do is stop it and
restart it. Start/run services.msc, locate the SR service and doubleclick
it. Click the stop button, then set the startup type dropdown to disabled.
Click apply/ok, then reboot. Reverse the steps to restart it.

Be forewarned that doing this removes all existing restore points, but it
doesn't really matter as they weren't working anyways.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone


1. Put the in the Windows XP CD
2. Click Start , Run
3. Type the following then OK

rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection

You can also open Windows Explorer, go to
C:\Windows\Inf folder and right-click sr.inf (Then

Alex Nichol

Rick said:
Once System Restore goes bad, the only thing you can do is stop it and
restart it. Start/run services.msc, locate the SR service and doubleclick
it. Click the stop button, then set the startup type dropdown to disabled.
Click apply/ok, then reboot. Reverse the steps to restart it.

Be forewarned that doing this removes all existing restore points, but it
doesn't really matter as they weren't working anyways.

Two points: With the Winsta not found, doing the reinstall as suggested
by babuji is worth it too. And after rebooting with SR Disabled, I
would have Folder Options - View set to show Hidden files, and *not*
Hide Protected mode ones then open the System Volume Information folder
on each drive and delete all the contents - troubles may have resulted
in there being 'orphaned' files still around

And when setting it up again, I would take the Settings for each drive
and review the amount of space being allocated. By default it is 12% of
a drive, and there is reason to think that this is far roo much for its
own good on modern high-capacity drives. I run SR on C: only and find
allowing it 500 MB keeps about two weeks worth of points, which is
about as far back as is worth going

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

I agree with all of this. It's definitely worth deleting the existing
information to avoid conflicts before restarting. Generally, if restarting
doesn't help, then reinstalling is the next step. I also use SR only on C:\
(the system drive) and also have reduced the allotted space to a much more
reasonable 4-5%.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

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