Hitting Home Link adds to counter



Hi, on my webpage I have added a butten to navigate back to home. Problem is
each time it is hit it adds to counter on the home page. How do I keep this
from happening. It skews the numbers for seeing how many visit my site.
Please help!!

Tom Willett

That's the nature of the hit counter. Same thing happens when you refresh
the page.
Tom Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:
| Hi, on my webpage I have added a butten to navigate back to home. Problem
| each time it is hit it adds to counter on the home page. How do I keep
| from happening. It skews the numbers for seeing how many visit my site.
| Please help!!



You could create an 'intro' page to your site and put the counter on that

Once they click on 'enter site' they leave the intro page and go to your
real Home Page which does not have the counter. That way they can go back to
the Home page at any time without effecting your count.

Just make sure you do not put a link back to your 'intro' page. Then the
only way you will get additional counts is if they use their browsers back
button to the 'intro' page - but why would they?

P@tty Ayers

Hit counters are not accurate anyway, and pretty much a waste of time. Most
web hosts provide site statistics which will give you the actual numbers
you're looking for. If not, there are some free utilities which will give
you accurate counts.

Andrew Murray

That's the way the FP hit counter works - it is a "Hit" counter; each load
of the page is a "hit"and it increments by 1. You need a proper
comprehensive stats system that measures unique visitors - these often
record stats like unique visitors, browser type and version, operating
system version - and most often display them in a bar-graph.

Check with your host; they may provide a more in-depth stats
feature/facility for your site. If you use "Cpanel" or other product as
your hosting control panel, you may have access to such stats.

There are also third party statistic providers, you just insert a snippet of
javascript which then sends/records the info to the remote provider's
server; you log on through an account you set up with them to access your
site's statistics.

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