historical database



I have patients that have lab tests monthly with return dates based on last
results. I have a database and can input data each month through a form but
I need to just add to the data for each patient, not replace what is already
there so I can go back and see months worth of results. Have no idea how to
set this up. New to Access obviously.

John W. Vinson

I have patients that have lab tests monthly with return dates based on last
results. I have a database and can input data each month through a form but
I need to just add to the data for each patient, not replace what is already
there so I can go back and see months worth of results. Have no idea how to
set this up. New to Access obviously.

The first thing to realize is that you don't put data into forms. You put data
into Tables, *using a Form as a user interface*. So the fundamental structure
of your database needs to be built using Tables, first; Forms come later.

What are the Tables in your database? How are they related (use the
Relationships window)?

It sounds like your structure *should* have at least three tables, resembling

<other biographical data>

<information about the test itself>

TestID <link to Tests, what test was performed>
PatientID <link to Patients, who was it performed on>
TestDate <when was it performed>
Results <perhaps more than one result field if you need units, some tests
may have numeric results and others text or yes/no results, etc.>

Note also that patient biographical and medical data will be covered by the
very stringent HIPAA patient privacy regulations. Read up on these before you
get too deep into this database, unless you've got a few hundred thousand
bucks handy to pay fines.

John... Visio MVP

Careful John, HIPAA is a US only requirement. Users of the MPA newsgroups
are not necessarily bound by HIPAA.

John... Visio MVP

John W. Vinson

Careful John, HIPAA is a US only requirement. Users of the MPA newsgroups
are not necessarily bound by HIPAA.

True... should have checked! Most developed countries have similar
regulations, though.


I am aware of HIPPA and compliant, thanks for the reminder. Also I do have a
table, that is what I set up first but I only have one table and it has all
the info on it and I made a form so that could update the information on
that table that I needed to each month. I guess I need to creat more tables.
Maybe one with the information that will change monthly and one with the
information that doesn't change (ssn, provider, DOB etc). I just don't know
how to get multiple entries on the same patient. Thanks for the suggestions

John W. Vinson

I am aware of HIPPA and compliant, thanks for the reminder.

Good. Ain't that a pain!?
Also I do have a
table, that is what I set up first but I only have one table and it has all
the info on it and I made a form so that could update the information on
that table that I needed to each month. I guess I need to creat more tables.

That you do. If you want to keep historical records, then you need someplace
to store them... a table!
Maybe one with the information that will change monthly and one with the
information that doesn't change (ssn, provider, DOB etc). I just don't know
how to get multiple entries on the same patient. Thanks for the suggestions

Normally you would have two tables in a one to many relationship, as I
suggested; for data entry you can use a Form based on the patient table, with
a Subform based on the multiple side table, using the PatientID as the
master/child link field. This will automatically maintain the link between the

See the tutorials here for some more orientation to the "Access mindset":
Jeff Conrad's resources page:

The Access Web resources page:

A free tutorial written by Crystal (MS Access MVP):

A video how-to series by Crystal:

MVP Allen Browne's tutorials:

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