HINT: Comparison VB6/VB.NET Error Codes

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This list compares the error codes used in VB.NET 2003 with those used
in VB6.

Error Codes:
3: This Error number is obsolete and no longer used. (Formerly:
Return without GoSub)
5: Procedure call or argument is not valid.
6: Overflow.
7: Out of memory.
9: Subscript out of range.
10: This array is fixed or temporarily locked.
11: Division by zero.
13: Type mismatch.
14: Out of string space.
16: Expression too complex.
17: Can't perform requested operation.
18: User interrupt occurred.
20: Resume without error.
28: Out of stack space.
35: Sub or Function not defined.
47: Too many DLL application clients.
48: Error in loading DLL.
49: Bad DLL calling convention.
51: Internal error.
52: Bad file name or number.
53: File not found.
54: Bad file mode.
55: File already open.
57: Device I/O error.
58: File already exists.
59: Bad record length.
61: Disk full.
62: Input past end of file.
63: Bad record number.
67: Too many files.
68: Device unavailable.
70: Permission denied.
71: Disk not ready.
74: Cannot rename with different drive.
75: Path/File access error.
76: Path not found.
91: Object variable or With block variable not set.
92: For loop not initialized.
93: Pattern string is not valid.
97: Cannot call friend function on object that is not an instance of
defining class.
98: A property or method call cannot include a reference to a private
object, either as an argument or as a return value.
321: File format is not valid.
322: Cannot create necessary temporary file.
325: Format in resource file is not valid.
380: Property value is not valid.
381: Property array index is not valid.
382: Set not supported at runtime.
383: Set not supported (read-only property).
385: Need property array index.
387: Set not permitted.
393: Get not supported at runtime.
394: Get not supported (write-only property).
422: Property not found.
423: Property or method not found.
424: Object required.
429: Cannot create ActiveX component.
: License information for this component not found. You do not have
an appropriate license to use this functionality in the design

430: Class does not support Automation or does not support expected
432: File name or class name not found during Automation operation.
438: Object does not support this property or method.
440: Automation error.
442: Connection to type library or object library for remote process
has been lost. Press OK for dialog to remove reference.
443: Automation object does not have a default value.
445: Object does not support this action.
446: Object does not support named arguments.
447: Object does not support current locale setting.
448: Named argument not found.
449: Argument not optional.
450: Wrong number of arguments or property assignment was not valid.
451: Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did
not return an object.
452: Ordinal is not valid.
453: Specified DLL function not found.
454: Code resource not found.
455: Code resource lock error.
457: This key is already associated with an element of this collection.
458: Variable uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic.
459: Object or class does not support the set of events.
460: Clipboard format is not valid.
461: Method or data member not found.
462: The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable.
463: Class not registered on local machine.
481: Picture is not valid.
482: Printer error.
735: Cannot save file to TEMP.
744: Search text not found.
746: Replacements too long.
999: Stop statement encountered.

VB.NET only Error Codes:
96: Unable to sink events of object because the object is already
firing events to the maximum number of event receivers that it
100: Class '|1' does not implement the System.Collections.ICollection

Missing VB6 Error Codes:
94: This Error number is obsolete and no longer used. (VB6: Invalid
Use of Null)
260: No timer available
282: No foreign application responded to a DDE initiate
285: Foreign application won't perform DDE method or operation
286: Timeout while waiting for DDE response
287: User pressed Escape key during DDE operation
288: Destination is busy
290: Data in wrong format
293: DDE Method invoked with no channel open
294: Invalid DDE Link format
295: Message queue filled; DDE message lost
296: PasteLink already performed on this control
297: Can't set LinkMode; invalid LinkTopic
298: System DLL could not be loaded.
320: Can't use character device names in specified file names
326: Resource with identifier 'item' not found
327: Data value named not found
328: Illegal parameter; can't write arrays
335: Could not access system registry
336: ActiveX component not correctly registered
337: ActiveX component not found
338: ActiveX component did not run correctly
339: Object server 'item' not correctly registered or not found (Error
340: Control array element 'item' doesn't exist
341: Invalid control array index
342: Not enough room to allocate control array 'item'
343: Object not an array
344: Must specify index for object array
345: Reached limit: cannot create any more controls on this form
360: Object already loaded
361: Can't load or unload this object
362: Can't unload controls created at design time
363: ActiveX control specified not found
364: Object was unloaded
365: Unable to unload within this context
366: No MDI form available to load
368: The specified file is out of date. This program requires a later
369: Operation not valid in a DLL
370: The ActiveX Designer's Type Information does not match what was
saved. Unable to Load
371: The specified object can't be used as an owner form for Show
378: 'item' cannot be set while loading
379: You can't put a Default or Cancel button on a Property Page
384: A form can't be moved or sized while minimized or maximized
388: Can't set Visible property from a parent menu
389: Invalid key
395: Cannot use separator bar as menu name for this control
396: 'Item' property cannot be set within a page
397: Can't load, unload, or set Visible property for top level menus
while they are merged
398: Client Site not available
399: You can't put a Default or Cancel button on a User Control unless
its DefaultCancel property is set
400: Form already displayed; can't show modally
402: Code must close topmost modal form first
403: MDI forms cannot be shown modally
404: MDI child forms cannot be shown modally
405: Unable to show modal form within this context
406: Non-modal forms cannot be displayed in this host application from
an ActiveX DLL
419: Permission to use object denied
425: Invalid object use
426: Only one MDI Form allowed
427: Invalid object type; Menu control required
428: Popup menu must have at least one submenu
444: Method not applicable in this context
480: Can't create AutoRedraw image
483: Printer driver does not support specified property
484: Problem getting printer information from the system. Make sure the
printer is set up correctly
485: Invalid picture type
486: Can't print form image to this type of printer
490: Top-level or invalid menu specified as PopupMenu default
520: Can't empty Clipboard
521: Can't open Clipboard
523: The data binding DLL, 'item', could not be loaded
524: 'item'
525: Data Access Error
527: The given bookmark was invalid
536: Could not lock the database
537: Could not access the desired Column
541: Could not lock the database
542: The row has been deleted since the update was started
545: Unable to bind to field: 'item'
672: DataObject formats list may not be cleared or expanded outside of
the OLEStartDrag event
673: Expected at least one argument
674: Illegal recursive invocation of OLE drag and drop
675: Non-intrinsic OLE drag and drop formats used with SetData require
Byte array data. GetData may return more bytes than were given to
676: Requested data was not supplied to the DataObject during the
OLESetData event
688: Failure in AsyncRead
689: PropertyName parameter conflicts with the PropertyName of an
AsyncRead in progress
690: Can't find or load the required file urlmon.dll
693: An unknown protocol was specified in Target parameter
31001: Out of memory
31004: No object
31018: Class is not set
31027: Unable to activate object
31032: Unable to create embedded object
31036: Error saving to file
31037: Error loading from file