Hiding & Unhiding Cells, How to



XL 2003 & 97

This should be easy but ....

Attempted to hide certain cells by alternately clicking or unclicking
(Locked / Hidden) boxes on the respective Cells' Protection Tab - then
locking the worksheet.

My luck ...!? the cells are still visable! What obvious step am I missing?

The real goal is that I want (via VBA) to unhide all hidden cells in all
worksheets in a workbook. I have the code to unhide Rows and Columns. (What
about individual cells? Should that be a separate step? I think so.)

In addition, I would like to find, and reset, all cells where the font color
and cell fill color are the same - effectively hiding the contents of the
cell from viewing and printing.

Any help is appreciated.

TIA Dennis


You can't Hide individual Cells in Excel. You must Hide a Row or a Column.
The Protection Tab in the Format dialog lets you Hide the Contents of the
Formula Bar, thus hiding any complex or confusing formulas from the eyes of
the end user.


JE McGimpsey

"Hidden" in the the Format/Cell/Protection dialog refers to whether or
not a cell's formula is hidden in the formula bar. You can't use it to
hide individual cells display in the worksheet.

The most efficient way to hide/unhide cells by making the background
color the same as the foreground color is to use styles.

Public Sub ToggleStyleHidden()
With ActiveWorkbook.Styles("My_Toggle_Style").Font
.ColorIndex = IIf(.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic, 2, xlAutomatic)
End With
End Sub


To hide a cell ~ go to format cell and choose CUSTOM under the number tab -
then type in ;;;
That's it!


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