Help!!! XP upgrade screwed up my monitor



I upgraded to XP pro on my Dell 4400 machine.... (Actually upgraded 15
machines at work here)... All experience the same issue on the upgrades. At
one point in the upgrade you get a prompt telling you your display settings
have been changed, fine... Because after the reboot, the machines went back
to their current (and correct) display settings.... Except my machine is the
only one which didn't go back, so now I have 4 bit color at 700x600 (and no
matter what I cannot change the settings, they always revert back to this
f'ed up settings)... I have visited MS update site for a new or updated
driver, but it just tells me everything is current and updated.... I visit
Dell and go thru their hole driver update BS and the same thing, it tells me
everything is current and fine.... But it isn't, I have been searching for 2
days on how to fix this and have not gotten any sort of help yet... Can
ANYONE help or shed some light on this, or what I can do.... I just don't
understand how if I am running XP home and never had display issues, and then
just upgrading to XP Pro F'ed everything up.... THat makes no sense... But
then again most of what Microsoft does, makes no sense...... God this is
frustrating...please help..

Jose Olivas

Have you tried booting into safe mode and removing and reinstalling the
latest video driver?


No not yet... Where should i pick up the latest video driver for my machine
then.. From Dell's site, or Microsoft's???


I have done this already, and Dell states I Have the correct driver
already....... But something is screwed up with it if so.... I don't
understand ...... I have been scouring the internet for 3 days now, and
cannot find any solution to this.... How could a simple upgrade to XP pro,
screw up a driver that worked perfectly (well not's Microsoft)
under XP Home..... THis is getting riduculous


If Dell say this is the correct driver then theres a 99.9% chance its right.

You'd be surprised!! Sometimes nothing makes sense, its like that....and
that the way it is!

Have you removed the graphics card from Device manager? If so, did you let
it automatically find the driver or did you point it to the location that you
unpacked the Dell driver? I know theres lots of questions but in the IT world
sometimes things dont make sense.......

A search for support on the net....... you just found it ;-)


You got that right... I found that with MS there is no rhyme or reason for
99% of the problems you experience DAILY with MS products (sorry, frustration
is getting the best of me).... No I haven't removed the graphic card from the
device manager..Is that what you reccommend?
- Here's another Q(actually a sidenote on my problem): I have upgraded
roughly 15 machines to XP pro here, all seem to have this "Intel 828456
GL/GE/PE/GV Graphic Controller...while my machine has an ATI Rage........
graphics controller.... (All machines are Recent Dell machines- but mine
lists this different graphic controller than the rest).... Could I basically
locate this "Intel 828456........" graphic controller and install it on my
machine to "overwrite" the " ATI Rage......." controller I have... Or will
this conflict with my system/graphics card..... Just wondering???


Hi there,

Dont worry about the others leave them as they are. Are the Dell machines
identical models? You might find yours is a slightly different spec. Is this
the original graphics card?

Go into device manager and UNINSTALL your graphics card/video adapter. Then
You can either restart the PC or right click and select scan for new
hardware. The new hardware wizard will find the hardware, tell you what it
is. and prompt you to install the driver. Select "I want to choose a driver
to install" then browse to the folder that the Dell Driver was unpacked to.
You could try to ask it to find it automatically first, if this dont work do
it manually. Once you find the correct *.inf file select it and it should
give you a list. It should then install the correct driver.

You need to make sure that this is the standard card that came with the
machine (usually built in near the serial connector on the back) OR an
seperate ATi card. If this is a seperate card go to Ati website and get the
driver from there.

I hope this helps, if I could see the PC it would be a whole lot easier.

Admiral Q

If the Dell machine has an "NVIDIA" chipset, go to NVIDIA's web site and
download the latest driver from there and install it - Dell is always
several versions behind on Video chipset drivers, at least for my 2
Workstations, Desktop and Laptop (none are the 4400 though).


Thanks for your input and help.... My Dell has an ATI card, and Dell and
Windows were telling me that my drivers were all updated.... But appearantely
they weren't... So I downloaded the driver again that they said I already
had, and ran it anyway, figuring it would prompt me if it was already
installed... Well I ran it and my computer picked it up as a new " and
current" driver.... So I guess I didnot have the most current drivers as was
told... So wah-lah it worked and fixed my problem..... Thanks again..
Persistence pays with Microsoft products...


Hi P Cook,

Glad to have helped :) Always take things with a pinch of salt and always
try TWICE!!!!! All the best

Bell :)

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