Help with Multi-Condition Formula



I am trying to write a conditional formula that calculates the number of days
outstanding, as described below. Here are the pertinent column designations:

Column P = Priority level (1 or 2)
Column R = Date Assigned
Column U = Date Closed
Column V = Status (Open or Closed)
Column S = Days Outstanding

If Column P is 1, and today is more than 30 days past Column R, and Column U
is more than 30 days past Column R, calculate Column S, BUT

If Column P is 2, and today is more than 45 days past Column R, and Column U
is more than 45 days past Column R, calculate Column S
So far, this is what I’ve come up with:


Thanks to anyone who can help. I don’t even know if what I’m trying to
accomplish is possible.




I cannot understand from your formula how you calculate S (is it maybe
TODAY()-R12?). Anyway, leaving space for this in _your calculation_,
the following formula implements the conditions you describe:

R12>45,U12-R12>45)),_your calculation_,"")

Kostis Vezerides


Yes. S is calculated as TODAY()-R12, based on the conditions stated. I
copied and pasted your suggestion, replacing "_your calculation_" with
"TODAY()-R12", and the result is an empty cell. Using the data below, cell
S1 should be 272, and cell S2 should be blank, because Column U is not more
than 30 days from Column R.

Row 1: P = 2; R = 6-1-2006; U = _empty cell_; V = Open; S = 272
Row 2: P = 1; R = 6-1-2006; U = 6-30-06; V = Closed; S = _empty cell_

I hope this helps. I'm trying to be as clear as I can.

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