Fine-Tune Multi-Condition Formula



vezerid gave me the following solution to my initial post (copied below),
which works wonderfully, but I forgot to mention 1 other criteria: I need the
formula to put a result in Column S based on the date in Column U (if there
is one), and stop calculating elapsed days as of that date.

vezerid's solution:
=IF(OR(AND(P15=1,TODAY()-R15>30,U15-R15>30),AND(P15=2,TODAY()-R15>45,U15-R15>45)), TODAY()-R15,"")

I am trying to write a conditional formula that calculates the number of days


I am a bit confused. I thought the formula I suggested WAS for column
S. Do you now want a different calculation? What do you mean when you
say "I need the formula to put a result in Column S based on the date
in Column U (if there is one), and stop calculating elapsed days as of
that date."

So, given a date in column U:U, how do you want it to affect the
Stop calculating elapsed days: do you mean that you want to put a
minimum value?

Please explain:
1. The result(s) that you would like to appear in S
2. The conditions under which each result should appear.



First of all, thanks for your help. Please see more info directly following
your questions below (to help put my answers in context).

vezerid said:
I am a bit confused. I thought the formula I suggested WAS for column
S. Do you now want a different calculation? What do you mean when you
say "I need the formula to put a result in Column S based on the date
in Column U (if there is one), and stop calculating elapsed days as of
that date."

So, given a date in column U:U, how do you want it to affect the

S should either calculate a value, or remain blank, based on whether U is
less than 30 or less than 45 days (depending on the value in P) from R, and
the other conditions in response to your question 2 below.
Stop calculating elapsed days: do you mean that you want to put a
minimum value?

Perhaps, but I’m not sure of your question. I’ve tried to explain more
clearly in response to your question 2 below.
Please explain:
1. The result(s) that you would like to appear in S

The number of days from the date in R
2. The conditions under which each result should appear.

The result should be based on the number of days over 30 if P=1, or over 45
if P=2, and today is greater than R plus either 30 or 45 (depending on the
value in P), and U is blank; however, if U <30 or <45 (depending on the value
in P), leave S blank.

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